Buyer's Information List
- Contact Florida Power and Light – 941-917-0708 Have old Account # ready. Previous owner will cancel service day after closing. New owner should call the next day and put in their name so as to avoid extra charges.
- Water Utility - The secretary of Country Retreat will change your billing information to Think Utility – 888-696-3837.
- Garbage Days – Tuesday and Friday – Household Garbage Friday – Recycle, Wednesday – Yard Waste – Heavy Trash 941-792-8811/3-1
- Information will be sent by Secretary to transfer lot fees to new owner. New owner will be given a coupon book from the Association. Lot fees are to be sent to: Truist Association Services, P.O. Box 628207, Orlando FL. 32862-8207. Your coupon book will have mailing labels and coupons.
- Spectrum Internet, Cable and Phone – call 833-697-7328 ”SAY BULK” - you are responsible to return equipment to a Spectrum store if you should move from the Park.
- Set Up Voicemail – Call 855-895-5302 Spectrum Community Solutions. Give your address as the street you live on i.e. “Joy Way”, “Peace Way”. “Love Way”. You will see the street signs at the corners of your street. After 48 hours call Spectrum from the phone you wish to have Voicemail. Have your greeting ready - *98 (Star 98) is how you retreat your messages.
- Mail boxes are on North end of Park. Retrieve key from previous owner. New mail box keys can be obtained-call Sebastian Ramirez 941-462-5750.
- Shareholders own their home and a share in the Park. We are a Cooperative Mobile Home Association. The lot rental for a shareholder is $200.00 per month. They are referred to as #719’s. This includes yard maintenance, TV cable, internet, trash pick-up, use of pool and maintenance of all the common areas. The water and electricity are paid by the shareholder.
- Homeowners own their home. The lot rental for a homeowner is $440.00 per month. They are referred to as 723’s. This includes yard maintenance, TV cable, internet, trash pick-up, use of pool and maintenance of all the common areas. The water and electricity are paid by the homeowner.
- If you plan on painting or adding new vinyl to your home, please see Betty Pynakker for approved colors. 941-746-4390. The color you have may not be approved.
CLICK HERE to download the Buyer's Information List